Terms of Shipment
How long will it take to get my order?
Currently, our production time is 3-6 business days. An average delivery time of 10-14 business days.
Please note that during the holidays our production time may vary.
How much does the shipping cost?
United States | ||
Standard Shipping Free Shipping on orders over $59. |
When your order is shipped, you will receive a Shipping Confirmation email from us with your tracking number in it.
It's common that even when your parcel has been sent it will take 2-3 business days for the tracking information to update online. Don't worry if no updates are showing to begin with, check back in a few days, have any question please feel free to contact us (Contact@Myphotoblankets.com).
Tracking says my parcel has been delivered but I've not received it?
Sometimes parcels can be accidentally delivered to a neighbours house next door or left at a customers local post office. If this incident unfortunately happens to you, please contact with local post office immediately to check the location of your parcel.
Please note our shipping partner are able to inform us of the exact whereabouts and time each parcel arrives at a destination. If the evidence shows that a parcel was delivered successfully, but the customer states otherwise, we will try out best to come to a mutual agreement.
The satisfaction of every customer is our number one priority, for any additional questions, comments, compliments or concerns, our top-notch customer service team(Contact@Myphotoblankets.com) is always ready to hear from you.